Lexie is a great help. It is nice having a 12 year old because she can hold him while I do things. She is very good with him. Lexie and Carter are already in love with each other.
Monte is a great dad!! He is very hands on, which is nice. He surprised me the other morning. I came downstairs and he had done the dishes and taken out the trash. I didn't even have to ask, nag, gripe,or complain. He did it on his own free will. He is a great guy and an awesome dad! (He changes diapers, too!)
I tried to create a slide show, but I am not that talented. Here are some of the pictures I was going to put on the slide show. I did find out a better program for creating slide shows, so I will attempt that later.
WARNING: My dad and I share the same philosophy: You can never take too many pictures. (The grand kids call him Poppy, but we changed that to Poppyrazzi.)
I know your voice, you're my sister. You sing and read to me.
Poppy, Granny, and Carter
Finally, I get to sleep. Being born was rough!!
Proud Granny
Future Razorback-- (He already throws better than Casey Dick. You should see his pacifier fly!)
This is our first family photo. Carter is under the blanket. (Unfortunately, this is the only family photo we have so far.)
The night before we left, the hospital brought us a gourmet "Celebration Dinner" with sparkling cider. They rolled a fancy table in and Monte and I had a nice dinner together. We saved the cider for when Lexie returned to the hospital.
Going home day
Uncle Matt (my brother) and Carter
Baby Burrito-- He loves to be swaddled.

I heard the word "bath."
I don't think I like this.
Hey Sis, did mom make you take a bath too?
I found my thumb!! I have been looking for it, but mom had my hands covered.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Baby.
I love you daddy.
Second bath. I liked this one a little better. I can't wait until I can get in the water.
This was the night my parents left. :-(
It was nice having them here to help. I am glad they got to be here for the birth. I wish Jim and Deanna could have been here,too. I send them all a daily picture, so they can still watch him grow even though we are far away.
So kissable.
The picture of unconditional love. My two babies.