Thursday, April 2, 2009


First off, sorry about not posting more on Disney. It's coming I promise. Carter is sick (again) and I am also, so it's been hard to post.

Today is the day Lexie has been looking forward to for 2 1/2 years. She got her braces off! I was looking at her before pictures I took, and I can't believe how different she looks. (Both teeth and age wise.)

Before Braces- 8/15/06

First Day of Braces

Last Day of Braces

Braces Off!!! 4/2/09

The orthodontist gave her balloons, a big lollipop, and a cup full of candy she wasn't allowed to have when she was wearing braces.


Suz said...

Okay, this post just hit me really hard.. She changed into a young lady really quick. and a beautiful one at that.. She was so cute when she got them on and now she's beautiful! Whew, you and Monte are going have to fight the boys off!! Her smile is beautiful!!!

Reba said...

I cannot get over how much Lexie has grown! I remember so well, I could not wait to eat steak when I got my braces off. It had been so hard to eat because it got stuck in my braces. Then the day I got them off, my mouth hurt so bad and my teeth hurt so much, I could only swallow macaroni. :) Anyway, congrats to Lexie! If she doesn't already, she will truly appreciate the gift of a beautiful (or more beautiful) smile you gave her!

The Ennis' said...

WOW! She has really grown up. I can't believe she changed so much so quickly. She is beautiful. Her teeth look awesome. I need her to tell Zane that it wasn't that bad (even if it was). He's terrified at the thoughts of having a cavity filled :).