Thursday, March 20, 2008

Crazy Day

Monte left this morning to take a load of stuff to Arkansas. We will meet him there on Saturday. (In case I haven't' told you, we are moving back to Arkansas in June.) We were clearing out the house so it would show better, and Monte decided to go ahead and move some of the stuff now. He had some friends come over Saturday and help him load the big stuff and the stuff in storage onto the moving truck. Then we boxed up more, and he finished loading it this morning. Let's all pray that he has a safe trip. I know he travels a lot, but I still worry about him driving by himself. Luckily, we will have movers do the next load.
Where am I supposed to put all of this?!

A job well done. You can tell Monte played Tetris growing up. Everything is securely jammed into the truck. (He did get the stuff on the ground in also.)

"My daddy is so funny!"
Carter was laughing at daddy before he had to leave.

It was "Crazy Hair Day" at Lexie's school today.
She's so crazy!

Carter and I went to Gymboree today. He loves tummy time on the mirror. He doesn't look at himself yet, but he likes to watch the balls spin on the mirror. He also liked looking at the girl across from him. He spent most of tummy time staring at her. He had to hold himself at a 90 degree angle to see her, so I guess it was good exercise for him.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Matt told me that you guys were coming!! I think we might go to church with you guys on Sunday morning! I can't wait to see Carter.

Lexie still looks as cute as ever with her crazy hair!