Sunday, July 26, 2009

BRANSON (with the family)

A couple of weeks ago Monte and I took the kids to Branson for some shopping and fun at Silver Dollar City. The weather was great! It was definitely hot, but not unbearable. The best part was that it was not crowded, so we didn't have to wait in line for anything! We saw the Veggie Tales show, and both kids loved it!! Lexie still likes Veggie Tales-- she has their songs on her iPod. "You just can't help but smile when you listen to 'I Can Be Your Friend'," says Lexie. Carter danced and clapped through the entire show. We had a great time!

This was Carter's first time to play in the ball area. He had so much fun putting balls in the vacuum hose.

Lexie and Monte enjoyed it, too!

Don't let her face fool you, she loved it!

Carter loved the bouncing frog ride and the butterflies. He cried when he had to leave that area.

I don't know which one enjoyed it more. Lexie also loved the butterflies. I know I say it all the time, but she is so good with Carter. She loves to watch him have fun, so she is always willing to do kiddie stuff just so he can laugh.

Daddy's turn to ride! (Carter is pushing the up/down button. He pushes it most of the time. The problem is he doesn't know to hold it in and he repeatedly pushes it, so they spend most of the time bouncing up and down around the bottom.)

I know this is a blurry picture, but I had to put it on here. If you can see, Carter is pointing at me. It was so cute... He was riding around, and all of a sudden he noticed me. He pointed at me and yelled, "mama!"

Carter was just sitting back and enjoying the ride.

Lexie going solo on the frogs. Don't worry, she did get to ride the roller coasters several times. We didn't spend the whole time in the kiddie area.


Lexie kept talking about having a water balloon fight. I thought she meant we would stand there and throw balloons at each other. When we got over to the barn area we saw these house things. It was so much fun. You would sling shot the balloons at each other. If you hit the bulls eye then a big tub of water would spray the other person. We would love to have one of these in our backyard. Maybe Jared will build us one ;-)

They got soaked!

It was a hot day, so I decided to play, too. I wasn't very good. In this picture I just launched the balloon and it landed halfway between us. She was thinking, "Hello, I want to get hit!"

Day Two: Carter on the frogs... AGAIN!

The flooded mine. Monte a landslide.


Reba said...

I love all of the pictures. Looks like such a fun time! Joshua loves the ball area not as much. It is SO loud in there. :) We haven't been to SDC this year...we may have to do that soon.

Have a great week!

Suz said...

What a fun trip! I loved all the pics..

*I think Jenn, Danielle, and I are going to have lunch tomorrow in Rogers.. I'll email you details! :)

Amber said...

Branson is so fun...We are wanting to go back and take the boys, I am dying to go shopping at the Carter's outlet too.