Thursday, July 30, 2009


Today was Carter's first day of school. He technically starts on Monday, but he visits today and tomorrow for two hours each day. I had to wake him up this morning, so he started the day off a little cranky. Like the rest of us, he is much happier if he wakes up on his own. We had breakfast, got dressed, and played a little before heading out the door. I took pictures of him before we left the house because I didn't want to torture him at school anymore than I already had to.

I made the drop off short and sweet. (Based on my teaching experience and the separation anxiety articles I have been reading, that was what I was supposed to do.) Of course he cried as I left the room, and I cried when I got to the car. I had a few errands to run, so I took care of that while he was at school. I must say it was much easier getting things done when I was by myself.

Two hours later (a very long two hours), I picked him up. There is a huge window in the classroom that allows parents to watch from the hall. I stood there for a second to see what he was doing. He had a truck in one hand (surprise, surprise) and a teddy bear in the other. He was making the truck do laps around the table top. He looked so cute and big. I was very happy to see that he was having fun. When he saw me he didn't cry, and he yelled, "mommy!" and ran over to me. I squatted down, and he gave me a big hug. The lady told me that he only cried for a few seconds after I left, and I believe her because that is what happens at church. He waved and yelled, "bye!" to the teachers. He was very happy. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.

I know that he really needs to interact with kids his age. He has started getting really clingy to me lately, and even at Gymboree he wants me right by him when he is playing. I think he is at a really good age to start preschool, but it is just so hard for me. I researched and visited MANY facilities in the area, so I am very confident in my choice. The teachers are all very friendly, and the children are all happy. They also have events for the family similar to what they have at elementary schools. Next week he will be there during nap time, so we will see how that goes. I don't plan on taking him all day every day until I start working, but I want him to go enough to stay in the routine. Plus, hopefully I can finally get completely unpacked since I'll be home alone. (Lexie is at her dad's house, so it was an extra sad morning.)
"I'm going to school!!"

This is my favorite. He looks so big showing off his toothless smile and holding his backpack. (He has to wear tennis shoes to school. He normally wears a really cute, I mean handsome, brown sandal with this outfit.)

"What do you mean you're not going with me?"

Showing off his new back pack. It has a cow on the zipper, and he loves to show it to me and say, "cow, cow, cow..."
Playing with the new car mommy got him for being such a big boy at school.


Mandy said...

Tayson does the exact same thing when I drop him off at MDO. He will throw a fit and cry and it just breaks my heart but his teachers tell me that he is fine within a matter of minutes. I know it is good for him so I keep trying to tell myself that. He has been going for a year now and he goes through times that he is fine when I drop him off and then, like today, he throws a fit!

The Ennis' said...

Yay Carter(and Shell)! I'm so happy that he did so well today. I love the pics with the backpack. He's SOO cute! I debated putting Lyddie in a couple of days a week. I may be wishing that I had. It's so good for them! Love you guys.

Mrs. Hughes said...

Oh my gosh, Shelley, what cute pictures! I am so glad the day went well!

Amber said...

Yeah Carter for your first day of school! They just grow up so fast don't they...

He looks so cute, love the backpack!