Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Girls' Nights

One of the things Lexie and I used to enjoy doing in California was going to concerts. We had three major venues within 45 minutes of our house, so needless to say we were able to go to a lot of concerts. We have not been to a single concert since we moved back to Arkansas. Over the next couple of months we will be making up for that. The first concert on our list was David Archuleta and Demi Lovato. (For those of you that don't have tween/teen children, she is a Disney star.)

The season David Archuleta was on American Idol was the first time we had watched the entire season from beginning to end. (I usually watched the really bad people trying out and then the finale.) It was really neat to see how much he had changed. I remember how shy and insecure he seemed on AI. Now he seems much more confident, and he was even dancing a little bit! We didn't know many of Demi Lovato's songs, but we had heard of her and David, so we decided it would be fun to go. And my wonderful husband got us great seats! We were on the first row of the non-floor seats, at the front. There were only two floor seats between us and the stage that goes out into the audience. It was great! We could actually see the sweat dripping off of the performers faces.

We had a blast! We laughed the entire car trip. I am happy to report that I didn't get lost (on the way there).

Waiting for the fun to start.

Using the lighter app on my phone.

Why am I holding her snow cone?

They were the opening band. Don't worry, we had never heard of them either. Turns out we did know a couple of their songs. If you watch or have seen a preview for the ABC Family show "10 Things I Hate About You", they sing the theme song. They did hang around after the concert to meet anyone willing to stand in line for a long time, and they gave out a free CD single of the theme song. We actually really liked them. They are kind of a girly punk rock band.

David Archuleta-

Demi Lovato-

Lexie up close and personal with KSM. (The girl to her right looks a little strange.) They loved Lexie's shoes. They kept commenting on how cute they were.

Lexie's adorable shoes.

Legally Blonde:The Musical came out to San Francisco for a few weeks to practice before they opened on Broadway. Lexie and I were fortunate enough see it. The comment we made when we left the theatre was that we had to meet my sister in NYC for a girls' weekend and go see Legally Blonde. Well that never happened. Around Christmas Monte noticed that it would be here this summer. (Did I mention that I have a wonderful hubby?) So he called Jared, and they got the three of us girls tickets to go see it. It wasn't quite NYC, but it was great (and we didn't get mugged-haha)! Lexie and I sang loudly the whole way home. These two days of girl fun gave me many more wrinkles, but since they are laugh lines I can live with them. Next week we are having girls' days in Branson with Angie, Lydia, my mom, Lexie, Carter (I know he's not a girl, but he goes where I go), and myself. I cant' wait!!


Suz said...

You and Lexie look gorgeous in the pic at the concert! That is so awesome that you have such a great relationship with Lexie!! You'll have to share tips so I will know how to always be close to Kyah!

Sounds like you girls had a great trip! Are you going to bunco?

Reba said...

Love reading more about your girls' days. Fun! I am impressed you didn't get lost in Tulsa. I ALWAYS get lost there. :) I cannot wait to hear abuot Branson! Enjoy that time. I love your relationship with Lexie. I will need pointers one day.

The Ennis' said...

I had SOOO much fun with you and Lex that night!! Was that the pic taken from the car or the stranger?? Ha! Bring on the road trips!!! I hear Vegas calling... :)

amyj said...

How fun! Wait...if you go to Vegas I want to be in the Norris family, too!!!!

Amber said...

Just wanted to say that we are thinking of you guys and praying for your family!

How fun, a concert is always a blast. The last pic of you, Lexie and Angie is great, Lexie looks so pretty as do you all.