Monday, July 28, 2008

Swimming with Daddy

I know I said I would try to post in order, but I am already breaking that. We took Carter to the neighborhood pool tonight, and he had so much fun. We went to Oceans of Fun a few weeks ago, and we discovered that Carter LOVES to play in the water. (We new he loved baths, but I wasn't sure how he would feel in a big, not warm pool.) He loves to splash, bounce, and lay in the Superman position. Surprisingly, he doesn't mind getting a ton of water in his face.

Bounce me more daddy! Bounce me more!!

I just love this robe. It works great after swimming. He has a really cute Elmo one too. I think this picture makes him look big. He really isn't as big as he looks here. Well, maybe he is and I am just in denial that my baby is getting big.

1 comment:

Suz said...

How sweet! He's a little water baby!

Thanks so much for your encouraging comment on my blog! It really means a lot to me to have people praying for me that I strictly know from blogging!