Sunday, August 3, 2008

What Carter is doing (Massive Post)

I have decided that instead of trying to make a post about each thing that has happened in the last month, I will just give you an overview in pictures. It has been a big month for him. I can't believe he is almost 7 months old! It is going too fast!!! He is a very good and happy baby. He is trying really hard to get a tooth right now, so he is (very) fussy at times. But, he still manages to ham it up when we are in public. HE IS A FLIRT!

Eating and LOVING it!!
Yummy, Winter Squash!
I have started making some of his baby food. I didn't think it was possible to like food more than already did, but he really likes the homemade stuff.

Don't say all gone, please don't say it!
First Fourth of July

All American Boy
He actually liked the fireworks. (When he noticed them.) We were afraid he would cry because of the loud bangs, but I guess the pretty colored lights made up for the bang.

He started sitting really well on July 5th. We still put pillows or the Boppy behind him when we are downstairs (the rug is not thick). He has started throwing himself back really hard, especially if he gets mad. It is not a gentle fall backwards, it is a forceful throw. I love it when he does it while I am walking down the stairs with him. j/k I am scared that he will eventually throw himself out of my arms and land on the tile. He is such a daredevil!

Happy 1/2 year birthday!!

Yay, cupcakes!!

Ooh, can I have one?

Finally I get a taste!
(I gave him a small taste of the frosting.)

Shadow Discovery
This was the first time he noticed a shadow. It was so funny. He kept slapping it and yelling at it. Every since then he loves shadows. One night he slept in the pack and play in our room, the street light caused the mesh on his pack and play to make a shadow. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he was so noisy playing with the shadow.

plays in his room

He likes to play in his room. If he gets fussy, I put him in there and he usually gets happy. One day I left the room for a minute, and when I came back he had turned the basket over and toys were everywhere.

He loves the mobile in his crib

I try to use the crib only for sleeping, but this is the one exception. He loves his mobile. He tries to grab the animals as they go by. In this last picture, it was making a clicking noise because it couldn't go around anymore because he was holding on for dear life. Unfortunately, I think the mobile is about to go bye-bye because he will soon be able to put himself in the sitting position.

Cat Lover

He loves to "play" with the cats. Baby (the white cat) is very easy going. She lets him pull her hair and her ears, and she doesn't try to do anything to him. Tinkerbell, on the other hand, won't let him get close enough to touch her. He almost got her once because she was sleeping next to him, and she hissed at him. (That will get her evicted.)
Electronics Junkie

He loves to play with the remote, cell phones, laptop, etc. We need to get him a toy laptop to play with.
Carter has learned to clap! We don't have pictures of it yet, but it is so cute. If we say, "yay," he starts clapping. The funny thing is, he is like the Energizer Bunny. He keeps going, and going...
Another thing he does that we don't have pictures of yet is a fun game called "Up." First, Monte would say, "up" and Carter would raise his hands in the air. It was so funny, like Pavlov's dogs. It seemed uncontrollable. Now, he raises his hands up when he wants you to lift him in the air. (He has gotten a bit lazy though. Now he only raises one hand.)
Carter loves faces. He grabs our faces all of the time. He also likes to rub our faces and slobber all over them. Well, actually, I am the only one that lets him slobber all over my face. Monte and Lexie think it's wrong.


The Ennis' said...

OMG, he is SOOO cute!! I love the first one of him wathching the mobile. They should put that on the outside of the mobile box. Major marketing!! I love all of the pictures. He's getting so big and just cuter every time I see him (didn't think that was possible!). Love you guys!!

Reba said...

I love all of the pictures. I don't know why babies feel the need to throw themselves back, usually at the worst time. Oh, and the slobbers...our youngest son (15 months) still slobbers "kisses" on us. :) Carter is adorable. :)

Mandy said...

He is getting so big!! He is such a cutie! It seems like just a few months ago you had him, I can't believe that he is almost 7 months!!