Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cherry Pie

Carter has had this obsession with cherry pie lately. (I'm not sure where it came from because he hasn't had cherry pie since Thanksgiving or Christmas.) He will randomly yell out, "Cherry pie!" I decided we should make a cherry pie. (completely not from scratch--We will try a homemade pie later.)

We had this adorable conversation in the car yesterday:

Me-Carter, do you want to make a cherry pie?

Carter- Yeah!! Make it, cherry pie! CHERRY PIE!!

Me- We have to go to the store to get the stuff to make the cherry pie.

Carter-(in the sweetest voice ever) Mommy, make it lishus?

Me-Yes Carter, we will make it delicious.

So we went to the store and got the ingredients to make a DELICIOUS cherry pie :)

Carter LOVES to help me cook! He is always pulling a chair up to the counter and wanting to help. I bought him this cute little apron at Willams-Sonoma for Christmas.

He was excited to make a cherry pie.

He had so much fun with the extra piece of pie crust.

Yummy, I mean delicious, cherry pie.
After dinner, I asked Carter if he wanted a piece of cherry pie. His response, "No, thanks."
I guess it's just fun to say "cherry pie". Lexie had the same fascination with the word "peanut butter". She always walked around saying "peanut butter, peanut butter" and she wouldn't/won't eat peanut butter to save her life.

1 comment:

The Ennis' said...

That is the cutest story ever!! I can hear him saying, "Cherry Pie!!" He is so stinkin cute. Can't wait to see you guys! Miss you. Let's get together soon. Love y'all!!