Thursday, August 14, 2008

7 Months Old

Wow. Time is flying by. I can't believe Carter is 7 months old. (Not to mention Lex is almost officially a teenager.) The day after his 7 month birthday, Carter waved bye-bye. (Actually, he waved "hi".) Now he will do it even if you don't prompt him. Last night he was sitting on Monte's lap, and Carter looked at me, started waving, and made a sound that sounded like hi. It was so cute. We swear he knows how to say "hi", but we are not counting it as a first word because it's not mama or dada ;-)

"Hey, these aren't cupcakes!"
I broke tradition. It was a very busy day, and I didn't have time to make cupcakes. I went to the Neighborhood Market by my house, but they didn't sell cupcakes. We had cookies, and these are the greatest cookies ever made.

"Whoa! That was fun!"

"For me?"

Lexie bought him a present.

"How did she know red paper is my favorite?!"

"Oh, I like this, too. Paper and a duck...SCORE!!"


Mandy said...

He is such a cutie!! That was so sweet of Lexie to get him a present for his 7 month birthday!

The Ennis' said...

You are soooo smart!!! And, you've got the best big sister! I can't wait to see you at lunch today.