Tuesday, September 9, 2008

8 Months Old

Carter turned 8 months old on Sunday. This year is going by way too fast!! I know he can't stay little forever, but I just wish time would slow down. I learned with Lexie that time goes by faster than the speed of light, so I am making sure I take time to enjoy every little thing now. Even in the middle of the night (yes, he still wakes up), I rub his hands when I feed him because I want to memorize how little and soft they are. Sometimes I look at Lexie and Carter and think, "Wow! What did I do to make God reward me like this?" For me, being a mom (and a wife to an awesome man) is the greatest thing. Even on the tough days , I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Whew, I got sidetracked. Here are the pictures of Carter's 8 month cupcake tradition. I started thinking that all these cupcakes might ruin the nostalgia of the smash cake on his first birthday, so I decided I will really have to let him go all out on his birthday. I will let him make a huge mess (and eat as much cake as he wants)!

"Wow! These fit nicely in my hands."

"Hmm, so far mom hasn't noticed I am eating it."
"HAAA!! I got some cake and I LIKE IT!!"

"Why did she have to take it away?"

Random photo:
I took this picture at breakfast this morning. I think he looks so big drinking from his cup. (He loves the straw sippy cups.)


Suz said...

That first part had my eyes watering! It will be so exciting to be a mom! You do seem very blessed with a beautiful family! That's the sweetest that you rub his sweet little hands to memorize them... ohhh, melt your heart!

Happy 8 month birthday!!!!

Mandy said...

I can't believe that he is 8 months already! Time does fly by!! He is too cute, I love those cupcake pictures!!

the Pulleys said...

Gosh...8 mos. already! You'll have to post what percentile he's in now, what sizes he's in now, & other fun updated info.! : )