Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yum, Yum Yogurt

We gave Carter yogurt tonight. To say he loved it would be an understatement. We couldn't shovel it in fast enough. I didn't expect him to eat very much, but it only took a second to down the entire container. I haven't seem him enjoy food that much since he started eating. He was making all kinds of noises, and he would yell at us if we let his mouth stay empty for a second.
"More please!"


This is another picture I love. I gave Carter a teething biscuit. As you can see, he loved it. (Yes, I know what your thinking..."Why didn't she put a bib on that child?!?!" The sleeper will never be the same.)
One more Carter/food story:
My mom, sister, niece, Carter, and I went shopping last week. We saw these Gerber cheeto things on the shelf. Well my sister had planned on buying them for Lydia, so she opened the can and gave her one. She asked if I wanted to let Carter try one. I looked at my niece, and she was enjoying hers, so I gave Carter one. Lydia was holding hers and eating it very daintily. I handed Carter his, and he shoved the whole thing in his mouth, chewed twice, swallowed it, and opened his mouth for more. Wow... the differences in boys in girls even at this age is funny.


Reba said...

Ahhh, teething biscuits. They keep 'em entertained but really, not much is messier for them to eat. :) Was what Carter ate a Gerber "Cruncher"? My son can eat a half a can in one sitting if we let him. (They are pretty good actually). The pictures are adorable. He looks like a baby bird waiting for his dinner. :)

Mandy said...

Cute pictures!! He sounds like he is going to be a good eater!

Laura said...

I usually think that Carter looks like you, but the yogurt pictures, especially "mmmm" is PURE monte! I guess he is a good mix of both of you.