Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ice Storm 2009

We were very fortunate during the ice storm. The most we ever lost power was for a minute. The most we were inconvenienced was that our Tivo kept resetting every time the power flickered. (BooHoo- I know.) Luckily we do not have big trees close to our house, so we didn't have any damage. We were very blessed. There were so many people that lost their houses, cars, pets, and even a few lost their lives. I have heard several people talk about how they still don't have power. (My sister just got hers back Tuesday evening.)

Monte's parents stayed with us a few days while they were without power. I know it must have been hard for them being displaced without notice, but we enjoyed having them. I was sad when they had to go home. It was so nice getting to spend time with them, and they got to see Carter play in his element. (They also got to watch Lexie read. That was how she passed the time.)

Here are a few of our snow pictures. Like I said before we were lucky, so it actually was very beautiful here. It looked like what I imagine Narnia looks like.

Our one and only little tree

My second home :-) No, I didn't drive when the roads were icy. Monte went for me. He is such a wonderful man!!

Our house
Unfortunately we didn't get one when it was snow covered. This was taken after everything started to melt.

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