Wednesday, February 25, 2009


When we went to the pumpkin patch in October, I couldn't get any of those cute, blissfully happy pictures of Carter with the pumpkins because he HATED the grass. Well, not much has changed in 4 months. Right before the ice storm we had a couple of really nice days. (Yeah, I know that was over a month ago.) Carter LOVES wagon rides, so I took him outside for a ride. (We do laps around the kitchen/dining room/living room when it's cold.) He had a blast until I took him out of the wagon to let him play in the yard. Hopefully when the grass turns green and soft he'll enjoy it more. He is definitely an outdoors boy though. It doesn't matter how bad of a mood he is in or how tired he is, if you take him outside he is a happy camper. On Valentine's Day we went for a walk to the end of our street. He loved it because I let him hold my hand and walk instead of putting him in the stroller. It took us a very long time- not because his legs are short, but because he wanted to pick up EVERY rock he saw. By the time we got back to our house, his hands were full of little rocks that I let him keep. I tried to show him how to put them in his pocket, but he wasn't going for that. He thought I was trying to take away his rocks.

"Yay, a wagon ride!"

"Wee, feel the wind blowing through my hair."
Carter loves it when the wind blows in his face.

The look of disgust returns.
He was trying to figure out how to stand back up without touching the grass. He would start to push himself up, but when his hands would almost touch the grass he would pull them back really fast. Then he would look up at me with a 'help me' expression on his face. I finally quit laughing and helped him up.


Nicole said...

These pictures are soo cute. I love the wagon ones. he is sooo cute in person, I love his little smile!

Thanks again for hosting bunco, it was so much fun!

Suz said...

So cute. That is hilarious that he still hates grass. I love the pic of him rubbing his eyes.. He is so precious.. Even cuter in person!

Yes, Bunco was a blast.. I think we're going to designate you to be in charge of the food from now on! :)

Mandy said...

I can't believe how big he is getting! He is such a cutie!!

Unknown said...

He is SO cute!!!! That smile just cracks me up. By the way, can you send me all the emails from last night's Bunco so I can send out an evite for Abuelo's? Thanks!

Unknown said...

I can't believe how much he's changed since Christmas. He's adorable!
It won't be long until you're trying to figure out the best way to get grass stains out of ball pants or soccer shorts and socks.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


Amber said...

I can't believe how much he looks like Monte! So cute...

I think he will like the grass when it's soft and green, shouldn't be too much longer.

Look forward to seeing you at Mandy's shower on Saturday! Hope you get to make it.

Reba said...

I remember all too well that stage. You know, I am not crazy about the grass this time of is prickly. :) I cannot get over how quickly Carter is growing. Enjoy!