Thursday, April 9, 2009

15 Months and What He's Doing Now

"It's okay mom. I get chocolate pudding for breakfast. Lots of kids would give up their teeth to be able to do that."

"What do you mean they won't come back until I'm 7?"

Carter went for his 15 month check up and he is doing great! When the doctor asked if he walks, I said, "No. He runs, that's why he's missing his teeth." The doctor thought it was funny and said at least they were baby teeth. He looked in Carter's ears and guess what?!?! No infection! YAY!!! I know you are all dying to know how massive Carter is, so I won't make you wait any longer. He is 30 inches tall (between the 10th and 25th percentile- we are moving up!) and 20 pounds 4 ounces (between 3rd and 5th percentile). I asked the doctor about his weight because I was getting concerned. Carter eats like a 16 year old boy, and he doesn't gain much weight. I am serious, the boy can eat. The doctor assured me that he is fine. He said it is normal for active children to slow down on the weight gain at this age. I guess since Carter is ALL BOY and very active, he can eat and eat and eat and not get fat. (I wish I could.)
Carter got a new tooth in. (One step forward and two steps back!) One of his bottom back teeth came in. I am unsure what to write on his calendar, so I just wrote "new tooth". Is it still the 11th tooth even if he only has 9?

What he likes to do this month:

*Carter is the official garage door opener of the family. He loves to push the garage door button.

*He has a car he likes to ride on. When Monte pushes him on it, Carter yells, "Go! Go! Go!"

*He loves to ride the carousel at the mall. He can't contain his excitement. He squeals, and says, "Oh boy" as he goes up and down. He also waves at all the people in food court as he goes around, and he loves the ice cream cone he gets afterward.

*He loves to stack things, and he is getting really good at the shape sorter toys.

For some reason he likes to stack everything he can on his garage. This day it was all the toys in his ball and car baskets. (The back side of the garage is stuffed with balls. The diaper ointment and his cup are also jammed in there.) Sometimes he fills the garage with his diapers. It is also fun to stuff it full of Lexie's shorts when I am trying to fold the laundry.
*His new favorite thing to do is not environmentally friendly. When I open the refrigerator to get something out, he runs over there and takes everything from the door shelves and sorts and stacks them on the bottom of the refrigerator. Then he puts them back in the door, and the whole thing starts over. He also likes to stick his magnetic letters in the meat drawer of the freezer. And yes I will admit that I do let him play in refrigerator sometimes, because hey the dishes have to get done somehow. I know it's not green, but I do other things to help the environment. (He really doesn't do this often, but he loves it when he gets to.)
It also makes for a nice chair on hot days.

*He likes to put things in drawers and cabinets. We could not find my main set of keys for a few days. I finally opened one of the cabinets he plays in, and there they were. Basically we have learned if we can't find it, look where Carter plays.

*He actually jumps on the trampoline. It is so cute! This is something Lexie has taught him. Also, she will put him in the middle and then run around the perimeter of the trampoline. Then she will sit in the middle, and he will run around her.


Amber said...

OMG! Love the first pic of his chocolate face :) So cute...

He is becoming such a big boy!

Reba said...

So cute! He is doing so many fun things. And many familiar things. What is it about boys and garade door buttons? And open refrigerators? Carter is about the size Hunter was at that age. I think Joshua is 22 pounds and holding, and he wants to eat all the time. He has such a precious face!

Suz said...

I love all the pics.. Especially him sitting in the fridge! too funny! We missed you at Bunco!!

The Ennis' said...

HE IS SO CUTE!! I love all of your tooth comments. Had me rollin' :)! I hate that I missed lunch today!! Maybe next week. Love ya!!