Monday, May 26, 2008

Yes, I beat Christina!! (We are not mentioning Nicole.)

Okay, I am going to take a few minutes to brag on myself. I promise I am not a conceited person. Monte and I were in the grocery store yesterday, and on the cover of a magazine was a picture of Christina Aguilera. The cover said she lost 40 pounds on 4 months. BAM, I lost 50!!! (Her baby is 4 days younger than Carter.) She was sharing her diet secrets. (I didn't actually read it.) Here's mine: breastfeeding a baby with a sensitive tummy. I love breastfeeding, I finally have a decent metabolism. I think I will continue to pump for the rest of my life.

No, I am not skinny-- but I hope to be there some day. I gained 38 pounds when I was pregnant, and I had just joined Weight Watchers when I found out I was pregnant. I still need to lose 6 more pounds to get back to where I was when we got married.

1 comment:

The Ennis' said...

YEA Shell!! I'm sooo proud of you!!! We need to celebrate (maybe a girl trip-lol!).