Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!!
I had a great Mother's Day (dia de la Madre). Monte, Lexie, and Carter really surprised me. You know the saying, it is the thought that counts. Well, my wonderful family really put a lot of thought into it. After church they took me to my favorite restaurant in San Francisco, The Slanted Door. This was a huge surprise because for a normal day, you have to make reservations months in advance. I just knew we wouldn't go there because I figured for Mother's Day, they would have to have made reservations a long time ago. Well, they did (hence--they put a lot of thought into it in advance). I was so excited!! Then for Mother's Day, they got me the Rosetta Stone Language Learning Software. This is so cool!! I only mentioned one time that I wanted it. Monte really listens to me!! I can't believe they are supporting my Spanish speaking habit, they must really love me!


The Ennis' said...

How SWEET of them!!! I'm soooo excited for your language software. We have TWO here at the house that haven't been opened!!! Maybe I can dive into one and we'll be fluent before we know it. Maybe we could take a little vacation down south to reward ourselves...
Love you!!!!

Suz said...

Happy day late Mother's Day! It looks like your family really showed you how special you are to them!

*I love SF! I have done two mission trips over there! I am yet to be there for a vacation, but I LOVED it there! Do you live outside of the city?

You have a beautiful family!

Thanks for your comments! I am really glad I posted about the dr, because now I have several people to hold me accountable to find a new doc!

I will have to add your blog to my page.. I don't want to forget your link! :)

Happy Monday!

Mandy said...

Happy Mother's Day!! That was so sweet of them to take you there and get you that software!! I wish I knew more Spanish!!